ASR releases - Any status

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Release Release date Product Sunset date Status New
ASR 2.4.x - Tongerlo 2010-08-13 AbitMORE SCM Reporting 2012-11-30 Out of support
ASR 3.1.0 - Domus 2012-07-01 AbitMORE SCM Reporting 2013-11-30 Out of support
ASR 3.1.1 2012-12-06 AbitMORE SCM Reporting 2014-11-30 Out of support
ASR 3.1.2 2014-03-13 AbitMORE SCM Reporting 2016-11-30 Out of support
ASR 3.1.3 2016-11-03 AbitMORE SCM Reporting 2018-11-30 Out of support
ASR 3.1.4 2018-08-04 AbitMORE SCM Reporting 2020-05-31 Out of support
ASR 3.1.5 2020-01-03 AbitMORE SCM Reporting G.A.
ASR 3.2.1 2023-09-30 AbitMORE SCM Reporting Dev
ASR 3.2.2 2024-03-31 AbitMORE SCM Reporting Planned
ASR 4.1.0 - Hoegaarden 2024-08-31 AbitMORE SCM Reporting Planned
ASR 4.2.0 - Maredsous 2025-03-31 AbitMORE SCM Reporting Planned